Title | Publisher |
Is there an affective neuroscience of spirituality? The development and validation of the OCEANic feelings scaleSchmautz, B., Fuchshuber, J., Andres, D., Prandstätter, T., Roithmeier, L., Freund, A. Schwerdtfeger, A., Unterrainer, H.F.(2024). Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 18. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnhum.2024.1329226 |
Frontiers in Human NeuroscienceFull TextAbstract |
Primäremotionen und Bindung bei psychischer StörungRoithmeier, L., Fuchshuber, J., Andres, D., Prandstätter, T., Schmautz, B., Schwerdtfeger, A., Unterrainer, H.F.(2024). Zeitschrift für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, 70. https://doi.org/10.13109/zptm.2024.70.oa1 |
Zeitschrift fur Psychosomatische Medizin und PsychotherapieFull TextAbstract |
Anxious and depressive symptoms mediate the influence of sleep quality on suicidality in young adultsSlanitz, C., Fuchshuber, J., Fink, A., Unterrainer, H.F.(2024). Front. Public Health, 12. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2024.1322069 |
Frontiers in Public HealthFull TextAbstract |
The Influence of Vitamin D Status on Cognitive Ability in Patients with Bipolar Disorder and Healthy ControlsLeser, B., Dalkner, N., Tmava-Berisha, A., Fellendorf, F.T., Unterrainer, H.-F., Stross, T., Maget, Platzer, M., Bengesser, S.A., Häussl, et al.(2023). Nutrients, 15, 4111. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu15194111 |
NutrientsFull TextAbstract |
On the trail of Sisyphus – addiction as an existential neurosis?Unterrainer, H.F.(2023). Front. Psychiatry, 14. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1243792 |
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The Influence of Attachment Styles on the Relationship between Primary Emotions and Substance Related Addictive BehaviorsAndres, D., Fuchshuber, J., Prandstätter, T., Roithmeier, L., Schmautz, B., Schwerdtfeger, A., Unterrainer, H.F.(2023). Research Square, 1. |
Research SquareFull TextAbstract |
Psychophysiological stress response after a 6-week Mindful Self-Compassion training in psychiatric rehabilitation inpatients: a randomized post-test only studyAndorfer, A., Kraler, S., Kaufmann, P., Pollheimer, E., Spah, C., Fuchshuber, J., Rominger, Traunmüller, Schwerdtfeger, Unterrainer, H.F.(2023). Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14, 1098122. |
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The Swedish Version of the Multidimensional Inventory for Religious/Spiritual Well-Being – Part II: Development of a Four-Field TypologyPodolin-Danner, N., Wenzl, M., Fuchshuber, J., Knorr, A., Silani, G., & Unterrainer, H.F. (2022). Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 1029101. |
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Eating Habits and Eating Disorder associated Behaviour in Bipolar DisorderHirte, T.S., Fellendorf, F.T., Unterrainer, H.F., Dalkner, N., Bengesser, S.A., Birner, A., Platzer, M., Queissner, R., Holasek, S., Schwerdtfeger A., & Reininghaus, E.Z. (2022). The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, published online. doi: 10.1097/NMD.0000000000001568 |
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The relationship between religious/spiritual well-being and mental health among young adults during the COVID-19-pandemicVuzic, X.D., Burgkart, P.L., Wenzl, M., Fuchshuber, J., & Unterrainer, H.F. (2022). Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 942149. |
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Editorial: Human Connection as a Treatment for AddictionClements, A.D., Unterrainer, H.F., & Cook, C.C. (2022). Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 964671. |
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Effects of metabolic syndrome and obesity on suicidality in individuals with bipolar disorderStenzel, C., Dalkner N., Unterrainer, H.F., Birner, A., Bengesser, S.A., Fellendorf, F.T., Fink, A., Fleischmann, E., Lenger, M., Maget, A., Platzer, M., Queissner, R., Schönthaler, E., Tmava-Berisha, A., Reininghaus, E.Z. (2022). Journal of Affective Disorders, 311, 1-7. |
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