Title Publisher

Depressive symptoms and addictive behaviors in young adults after childhood trauma: the mediating role of personality organization and despair

Fuchshuber, J., Hiebler-Ragger, M., Kresse, A., Kapfhammer, H. P., & Unterrainer, H. F. (2018). Frontiers in Psychiatry, 9, 318.

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Effect of standardized feeding protocol on nutrient supply and postnatal growth of preterm infants: a prospective study

Khan, Z., Morris, N., Unterrainer, H., Haiden, N., Holasek, S. J., & Urlesberger, B. (2018). Journal of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine, 11(1), 11-19.

Personality Influences the Relationship Between Primary Emotions and Religious/Spiritual Well-Being

Hiebler-Ragger, M., Fuchshuber, J., Dröscher, H., Vajda, C., Fink, A., & Unterrainer, H. F. (2018). Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 370.
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Increased attachment security is related to early therapy drop-out in substance use disorders

Fuchshuber, J., Hiebler-Ragger, M., Ragger, K., Rinner, A., Kapfhammer, H. P., & Unterrainer, H. F. (2018). BMC Research Notes, 11(1), 1-5.

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Die Dunkle Triade der Persönlichkeit – Ein Korrelat des Bösen? [The Dark Triad of personality - a correlate of evil?]

Jauk, E., Hiebler-Ragger, M., Unterrainer, H. F., & Kapfhammer, H. P. (2018). PiD-Psychotherapie im Dialog, 19(02), 58-62.

Sucht als Bindungsstörung [Addiction as an Attachment Disorder]

Unterrainer, H. F., Hiebler-Ragger, M., Rogen, L., & Kapfhammer, H. P. (2018).  Der Nervenarzt, 89(9), 1043-1048.
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Integrative Gestalttherapie in Österreich. Ausbildungs- und Berufsbedingungen, Kohärenzgefühl und Burn-out [Integrative Gestalt therapy in Austria]

Hiebler-Ragger, M., Gollner, C., Klampfl, P., Nausner, L., & Unterrainer, H. F. (2018). Psychotherapeut, 63(2), 145-152.
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Short-term Beneficial Effects of 12 Sessions of Neurofeedback on Avoidant Personality Accentuation in the Treatment of Alcohol Use Disorder

Dalkner, N., Unterrainer, H. F., Wood, G., Skliris, D., Holasek, S. J., Gruzelier, J. H., & Neuper, C. (2017). Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 1688.
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Addiction as an Attachment Disorder: White Matter Impairment Is Linked to Increased Negative Affective States in Poly-Drug Use

Unterrainer, H. F., Hiebler-Ragger, M., Koschutnig, K., Fuchshuber, J., Tscheschner, S., Url, M., ... & Fink, A. (2017). Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 11, 208.
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Insecure Attachment Styles and Increased Borderline Personality Organization in Substance Use Disorders

Michaela Hiebler-Ragger, Human-Friedrich Unterrainer, Anita Rinner, Hans-Peter Kapfhammer
Hiebler-Ragger, M., Unterrainer, H. F., Rinner, A., & Kapfhammer, H. P. (2016). Psychopathology, 49(5), 341-344.

Facets of Spirituality Diminish the Positive Relationship between Insecure Attachment and Mood Pathology in Young Adults

Hiebler-Ragger, M., Falthansl-Scheinecker, J., Birnhuber, G., Fink, A., & Unterrainer, H. F. (2016). PLoS One, 11(6), e0158069.
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Spirituality and mood pathology in severe skin conditions: A prospective observational study

Unterrainer, H. F., Lukanz, M., Pilch, M., Scharf, S., Glawischnig-Goschnik, M., Wutte, N., ... & Aberer, E. (2016). Archives of Dermatological Research, 308(7), 521-525.
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